If you know ALL of these, you’re probably a pro. I looked at 35 CS:GO Tips & Tricks you probably didn’t know. I didn’t even know all of these until I started making this video.
0:00 Intro
1:04 Removing your Silencer
1:17 Fast Silent Peek
1:30 Left-Eye Peeking
1:53 Bomb Plant
2:00 Fast Silent Ladder Movement
2:20 Defuse Trick
2:32 Pay-to-Win Agents
3:13 Picking Up Silently
3:22 ADADAD Aiming
3:36 0 Damage Falling
3:46 Mid Inferno Molotov
3:54 Fast Drop Weapons
4:00 Chat Wheels/Request Weapons
4:10 Dead Bodies are Client Side
4:18 Spawns on Dust2
4:28 Settings for Molotovs
4:38 Move While Flicking
4:56 Chicken Movement Explained
5:06 Inferno Wallbang
5:14 Dropping Weapons Silently
5:22 Boost Player Contrast
5:41 Sound on hits
5:48 DON’T JUMP onto Mini
6:08 When to Rebuy Armor
6:25 Player/Spectator Mismatch
6:34 Spawns on Mirage
6:40 Scout vs AWP Scope
6:47 Deep B Apts Smoke
6:54 Nade Drop on Death
7:12 Nade Combo on Mirage
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tags: csgo, cs go, counter-strike: global offensive, csgo clips, counter-strike: global offensive tips, csgo tips & tricks, csgo guide