Up to date profit/loss spreadsheet:
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Music by:
Meganeko – https://soundcloud.com/meganeko
Fantomenk – https://soundcloud.com/fantomenk
Ephixa – https://soundcloud.com/ephixa
MitchieM – https://soundcloud.com/mitchiem
If you’d like to donate a case for the next opening, or just show your appreciation for the series, send a trade offer here and you’ll get a shoutout in the next video, I’ll also put your name under my Steam profile as a donator: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=59053437&token=hy0gaLep
Weekly Case Opening, Dreams & Nightmares Case, Operation Riptide Case, Snakebite Case, Operation Broken Fang Case, Fracture Case, Prisma 2 Case, CS20 Case, Shattered Web Case, Prisma Case, Danger Zone Case, Horizon Case, Clutch Case, Spectrum 2 Case, Operation Hydra Case, Spectrum Case, Glove Case, Gamma 2 Case, Gamma Case, Chroma 3 Case, Operation Wildfire Case, Revolver Case, Shadow Case, Falchion Case, Chroma 2 Case, Chroma Case, Operation Vanguard Weapon Case, eSports 2014 Summer Case, Operation Breakout Weapon Case, Huntsman Weapon Case, Operation Phoenix Weapon Case, CS:GO Weapon Case 3, Winter Offensive Weapon Case, eSports 2013 Winter Case, CS:GO Weapon Case 2, Operation Bravo Case, eSports 2013 Case, CS:GO Weapon Case