В этом видео я расскажу про будущее обновление кс го: переработка (ремейк) карты de_cache и возможные намеки на брелки для кастомизации оружия или новый интерфейс Panorama UI в CS:GO
1. Перейдите по ссылке: https://help.steampowered.com/ru/wizard/HelpWithGameIssue/?appid=730&issueid=130
2. Нажмите «Связаться с поддержкой Steam»
3. Скопируйте и вставьте сообщение:
Hello. I want to report unfair donation service block. SkinDonate.com is the first and the only service for streamers to receive donations in CSGO & DOTA 2 items. I have been donating CS:GO items to my favorite streamers by using Skindonate.
This service has nothing in common with gambling and it was valuable for the community. However, on 7th of May Skindonate’s bots had been banned. Both streamers and users were shocked. Creators of the service tried to reach CS:GO developers and ask them for help, but there was no answer.
As a user of Skindonate, I’m asking you to review your decision on banning bots.
This is an email to connect with Skindonate’s developers: ceo@skindonate.com
4. Нажмите «Отправить»
🍆 Я в ВК – https://vk.com/neimko
🍆 Стримы – https://twitch.tv/gabefollower
🍆 Инстаграм – https://www.instagram.com/gabefollower
Music: Jim Yosef – Imagine
NSC: https://youtube.com/NoCopyrightSounds
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