Hello friends, we experimented enough. Yesterday, I released a video that wasn’t quite in the channel’s format. I’m still waiting for your feedback under the video so that I can understand where to take the channel next. Today, let’s go back to the usual topics and discuss the latest news about the pro scene. NIP officially transferred, new lineups were exposed in the first tournament of the season, and let’s not forget what Simple and Blade said about Navi and Cloud9. In general, as always, there are many interesting things, so let’s dive into it and analyze.
00:00 – Roster changes in MOUZ
01:07 – Roster changes in Imperial
01:36 – New roster for Sprout
02:00 – Npl moved to B8
02:40 – First championship of the season
04:00 – What’s happening with Cloud9?
05:01 – Blade on the new Cloud9 and Navi lineups
07:59 – Simple on the new Navi lineup
08:45 – Nafany on the new Navi lineup
09:11 – 322 in the pro-scene