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Bhop & Frags by : Dosia , Edward , FalleN , JASONR , kennyS , kioshima , kRYSTAL , NiKo , shroud , sixer , stewie2k , tenzki
♬ Song name: Pluto x ye. – Feel The Fire
Support Pluto:
● https://soundcloud.com/theplutomusic
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● https://www.instagram.com/theplutomusic/
Support Ye:
● https://soundcloud.com/pronouncedyea
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● https://twitter.com/Pronounced_Yea
My Website: http://www.virre.gg
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/virrecsgo
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Software used:
Sony Vegas Pro 14
Photoshop CS6
Counter-Strike:Global Offensive
Adobe After Effects CS6