Rest in peace, CSGO. We hardly knew ye. CSGO’s official support has ended as of January 1st, 2024. That means there will be no more updates like Operations or Skins or anything like that. You can still play the community servers on it, but that’s pretty much it.
In this video we’ll be looking at the 2011 PAX Build of CSGO and see what changes were made between then and release.
Download link is too long to copy here. You can get it from hl2-beta.ru.
Information taken from the Counter Strike Wiki and TCRF.
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All music used in my videos are my own UNLESS stated in the description above. You can listen to them on my Hazard Music channel, or on most music streaming services.
Intro Music:
Unexplained Hazards (OG Intro)
Nuclear Medication (Modern Intro)
OG Intro by Skyclad
Modern Intro Render by Javier Otten
☢Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2YLBBI2rlqEmRG9q0TEHqc
☢Music Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX4Tvo2wcHsZjOtSKPlxQhw