These clips are from the last few days of playing CS:GO. I had quite a few good games and the clips that I didn’t use I will probably end up using in another video where I intended on using all my unused clips which include non CS:GO content and etc. Some of it being from my twitter. I hope you guys enjoy!
Acting Stressed Out To Teammates (0:00)
Blocking My Teammates & Complaining To Cause Cooldown (5:12)
Arguing & Buzzer Beater Cooldown (6:50)
Causing A Teammate To Quit (9:04)
Quick Cooldown (10:08)
Acting Ignorant To Angry Australians (10:22)
Giving Spanish Teammate A Cooldown (14:30)
Credits (17:05)
Links/Other stuff:
AdvancedAim: https://advancedaim.net/
Merch store: https://teespring.com/stores/noob-dog
Twitter: https://twitter.com/noobdoggy
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198451257263
Email me: boring@valveanticheat.com
Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8LUyM57aKoHQFM12M4lhpQ
Noob Dogs HvH Server: