You know what they say. If you can’t do, teach, or, if we’re talking about esports, if you can’t play, coach.
But that’s just not true for Astralis’ coach, Zonic.
A legendary CS 1.6 player, Zonic came out of retirement to become the backbone of the world’s best CSGO team. And the craziest part is, he can sub in for literally any of his players – and frag out.
But Zonic’s story truly began when a run-in with the cops drove him towards the game that would become his life.
Written by: Alina Sotula (@ASotula)
Edited by: Connor Dunn (@ConnorDunn_)
Hosted by: Danie lRosen (@Daniel_Rosen)
Footage courtesy of: https://pastebin.com/LSjd51B0
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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