Looking at the KEYS to Carry Every Game you enter, or at least.. how to carry as consistently as physically possible so you can rank up quickly and try to hit global elite, or faceit 10, or the major final. hope this helps you improve.
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Solo Queue Plays :
0:00 Intro
0:59 Turn Kills into Round Wins
1:55 How Yekindar Uses This
3:20 When NOT to Force (Yekindar Round 2)
5:55 Crosshair Placement is Consistency
6:36 Play with a Duo Partner
7:38 Plays with a Teammate
9:43 Have Solo Plays
10:55 Be Willing to LEAD instead of BAIT
12:22 Be a Hybrid (Use the AWP sometimes)
13:02 Dealing with an AWPer
14:12 Don’t Hold Static Angles on CT
carry every game with this one simple trick consistently top frag in csgo with counter-strike: global offensive gameplay and gamesense as well as entry frag and clutch. you can be the next s1mple or niko or yekindar with these tips and guides from a global as long as you use them correctly in csgo matchmaking, pugs, or competitive. this is similar to videos made by theWarOwl, theAhrora, KingHaiX, NadeKing