I can’t believe I got this lucky with this case opening. I LOVE the new case
Special Thanks To Josh For Letting me Open His Cases.
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#CSGO #CaseOpening #Fracture #FractureCase #Case #Opening #CounterStrike
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R6,Rainbow6,Rainbow Six Siege,PC,Highlights,RainbowSixSiege,HIGHLIGHTS,R6S,InTake,intake,intake_YT,Shifting Tides,Void Edge,R6 moments,Platimum,Gold,Siege moments, Highlights, RainbowSixSiege, HIGHLIGHTS, R6S,InTake, intake, intake_YT ,Shifting Tides,Void Edge,R6 moments,Platimum,Gold,Siege moments, Valorant, Valorant Edit, Roxanne, Valorant Montage, Riot Games, Omen, How to Play Omen, R6,Rainbow6,Rainbow SixSiege, PC,Highlights ,Rainbow Six Siege , HIGHLIGHTS,R6S,I nTake,Void Edge,R6 moments,Siege moments,50,Alpha Packs,Opening,Alpha PAck Opening,Black ICe,Legendary,Epic,Valorant,Valorant Edit,Valorant Montage,Montage,Edit,Omen Edit,Omen,Sage,Phoenix,Jett,Jett edit,How to play Omen,Valorant gameplay,Valorant trailer,Valorant Gameplay,Valorant characters,Valorant agents,Valorant anticheat,Valorant Download, CSGO, CSGO Edit, Counterstrike Global offensiv, counter strike, CSGO Cases, Case opening, Fracture Case