Thanks for watching the video guys, sorry I cannot post as much but we’ll see better days I hope!
Twitter Knife giveaway, just like and retweet, winner announced in a week : https://twitter.com/FURIOUSSScs/status/1608818749523787777
Want to sell skins? Send me a Twitter DM on my skins account or leave a steam comment here : https://twitter.com/furiskins https://steamcommunity.com/id/FURIOUSSScsgo/
All my settings, equipment and PC specs can be found at : https://settings.gg/player/186572520
In order to stream on a dual PC setup, I use a Elgato 4K60 Pro mk.2 (in the streaming pc)
Video edited by @PinkBoi69 , thanks raimond
For if people are lazy to check the settings link,
New res : 1280×960 (str)
New sens : 1.25 sens 800 dpi (1000hz)
Crosshair : CSGO-aWxpu-KcBRa-h9sNM-EeJ8z-qK8nM
Viewmodel : viewmodel_fov 68;viewmodel_offset_x 2.5;viewmodel_offset_y 0;viewmodel_offset_z -1.5;cl_righthand 1;viewmodel_presetpos 3
Video settings : Everything lowest, but shader is high
Launch options : -novid -freq 240 +exec config -tickrate 128