Hello friends, it has become a tradition to release the latest news every few days. When you think you’ve seen it all in this world, suddenly you hear information like Electronic potentially joining EG or Elige leaving Liquid, and so on. Just a couple of weeks ago, if someone told you about these scenarios, you would have raised an eyebrow and moved on, but now it’s our new reality. So, let’s discuss the latest roster shuffles and rumors.
00:00 – Fallen joins Furia
01:35 – Reshuffles in OG
04:39 – Reshuffles in Vitality
06:40 – Patsi to Liquid
08:43 – EG goes wild with roster changes
09:23 – Electronic can join EG?
10:41 – Electronic and Perfecto initiated leaving Navi?
11:57 – Simple about Navi rumours
13:12 – Navi’s NEW PLAYER!
14:18 – Community discusses Electronic and Perfecto
15:25 – Jerry is wanted by many teams
16:09 – More pro scene insides
17:10 – Boros officially joins Falcons