Our CS:GO players got a bunch of cases from the new Dreams & Nightmares set- the first ever community-created skin set! You get to watch all of the anticipation in seeing what we unbox, but that’s not all – you can win the skins! Watch the video to find out how to win!
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EliGE – https://twitter.com/EliGE
NAFFLY – https://twitter.com/NAFFLY
nitr0 – https://twitter.com/nitr0
oSee – https://twitter.com/oSeecs
Shox – https://twitter.com/shoxCSGO
adreN – https://twitter.com/adreN_Hoag
Want to see Team Liquid’s NEW European Alienware Training Facility? Click the link below!
Topics in this video: Team Liquid, TL CS:GO, TL CounterStrike, Team Liquid, Elige, NAF, NAFFLY, nitr0, nitro, oSee, Shox, adreN, dreams and nightmares, cs:go dreams and nightmares, cs:go case opening
#TeamLiquid #CSGO #CounterStrike