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The first impression on the new map Ancient in FACEIT Level 10 with Dishwasher… it was quite weird, but not sure how it’ll play out over time once people aswell as me are used to it. Hope you enjoy the video =)
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✘ Ironmaxx Nutrition (Code “Tweeday10” for 10% off): https://www.ironmaxx.de/en/
► Social Networks and Platforms:
○ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kevin.tweedale/
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○ Discord: https://discord.gg/74NZGbg
○ Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/mrtweeday
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○ My spotify playlists: https://open.spotify.com/user/w8wjj8k25d50otsxrt5m1lrda/playlist/7D8p66cTLjvhLnnhhYC6aP?si=EDeWJS8gQ8ysiGBioTDJ3g (Sometimes I run a radio based off of this playlist)
○ Gym playlist: https://open.spotify.com/user/w8wjj8k25d50otsxrt5m1lrda/playlist/5aX4grW31UsmbbELy3JGDR?si=eGTae8DUTlujRlV3ULo1xA
► Config, Viewmodels, Crosshair (both for Playing and Moviemaking): https://youtu.be/8MPko21Ca_s
► Setup Video: https://youtu.be/A-bpPTqnjy8
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