The Overwatch Workshop looks likely to launch next week with the 2019 Anniversary event, and with it, comes a host of cool new gamemodes, hero concepts, redesigns and memes that have been cooked up on the PTR thus far. Today, we go cover some new gamemodes with serious potential, CS:GO single life bomb plant/defuse mode with an economy system that could really develop into a deep and fun game type. 3 KOTH Domination spreads the battle across all three segments of a control map at the same time, Zenyatta floats, Torbjorn Bowling, and a new advanced training range that actually gives you the opportunity to train or warm up your aim on some seriously difficult to hit targets.
PTR patch notes buffed the workshop https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/overwatch-ptr-patch-notes-may-3-2019/340171
CSGO in Overwatch
Workshop: I made CS:GO in Overwatch! Code:9N9SV (Id love if you could give it a try!) from OverwatchCustomGames
Advanced Training Range
Unstable deathmatch https://www.reddit.com/r/OverwatchCustomGames/comments/bl3tsp/workshop_code_pc9sf_made_a_simple_gamemode_called/
3-LEVEL KOTH DOMINATION! – 3 objectives at once, for every KOTH map! [workshop by Kocu] from Overwatch
Tweets by DarwinStreams
Reaper Thru Walls
Ana Mobility
You ever wondered what if Ana had a ton of mobility? Here you go: Ana Ultimate Mobility Kit! Code: XJQY0
@KarQGames @Stylosa @mL7ow pic.twitter.com/YwwHRQxRLr— Darwin (@DarwinStreams) May 12, 2019
Tracer Recall for Everyone
Tracer's Recall for ANY HERO! Not exactly balanced ability, but its fun and a good technical study for myself 馃榾 Press Interact to activate. Code: KC981@Stylosa @ItsMeMollyO @YourOverwatchYT @dafran pic.twitter.com/EPvgHjVpkP
— Darwin (@DarwinStreams) May 10, 2019
Rein training
Made something for Rein players to improve/warmup reaction speed and mechanical skill against enemy Shatters/Charges/Sleeps! Code: 440GD@Liam_OW @Fusions @super_OW @Gator_OW @SADO_OW pic.twitter.com/fyUQJ9oS0F
— Darwin (@DarwinStreams) May 16, 2019
Darwin Nade tool
APEX slide
Titanfall / APEX style slide for Baptiste. Code – 0N5EE pic.twitter.com/DRohkY0qTo
— Darwin (@DarwinStreams) May 2, 2019
Steal my Crown
Ana paintball update
Enhanced Ana Paintball UPDATE! New map & cool new features! from Overwatch
Defense matrix practice
Floating zenyatta
[workshop] I made the passive Zenyatta deserves from Overwatch
Torbjorn Bowling
Avengers Infinity Stone Deathmatch https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/blxd3v/infinity_stones_deathmatch_updated_petra/
Fight the King
[WORKSHOP] game mode "Fight for the king" from OverwatchCustomGames
CoD AC-130
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