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► Business Email – business.skam@gmail.com
* Put “ShadyStan” in subject of email. (I use this email for multiple accounts)
► Rank S and FPL gameplay (Insane frags, rounds and plays). Stewie2K recently leaves Cloud9 and joined Sk gaming. Skadoodle leaves the pro CS:GO scene and then comes back to Cloud9 as a Standin. Taco to liquid with Steel being benched. Stewie2k on SK now has a 1v1 showdown with tarik from C9. Stewie2k is on fire lately, showing c9 whats up. Autiamti one taps and ninja defuse. Fl0m 4k and cold hero plays. Rush site hold and guardian 4k. Adren 4k and pasha 1v5. Stream highlights and more!
► List of Video Sources :
* https://www.youtube.com/user/FACEITcom
* https://www.twitch.tv/rguardian
* https://www.twitch.tv/fl0m
* https://www.twitch.tv/starladder_cs_en
* https://www.twitch.tv/teawithmilkandsugar
* https://www.twitch.tv/starladder_cs_pl
* https://www.twitch.tv/tvbrekan
* https://www.twitch.tv/adren
* https://www.twitch.tv/clubconflict
► Submit YOUR Twitch Clips –
► Want FREE SKINS? Download Free App : http://cashforap.ps/stan
► Social Media
* Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShadiestStan
* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shadystanyt
* Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/shadystanog
► Music
* Intro: Lil Skies – Welcome To The Rodeo
* Outro: No Jumper – Hard ft. Tay K & Blocboy JB
► YT Banner Made by R3Frags:
* Youtube: https://goo.gl/rkqVCN
If you’re the owner of any of the clips in this video and would prefer if it wasn’t featured, then feel free to contact me and once I’ve confirmed you are the rightful owner of the content I’ll have it removed.