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Kyle Tomaro
Sascha Behrends
Corey Thompson
♪ Music (can’t use popular songs anymore cuz of copyright, that’s the Youtube these days…)
Music provided by Epidemicsound.com :
Intro: Honeycutts – Stubborn Bastard
0:20 The Eastern Plain – In And Out Of Love (Tigerblood Jewel Remix)
1:14 Sebastian Forslund – It Breaks Me Down
►Other credits:
Special thank you to Team Liquid’s Youtube channel, they make amazing behind the scenes content so make sure to check them out! https://www.youtube.com/teamliquid
ESL https://go.twitch.tv/esl_csgo
ESL Youtube https://goo.gl/PYPBeJ
BlastProSeries Yoiutube https://www.youtube.com/blastproseries
iBUYPOWER https://www.twitch.tv/ibuypower
Dreamhack https://www.twitch.tv/dreamhackcs
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