These are the 10 Mistakes I see more than ANY OTHERS when I watch people play CS:GO, especially in demos I review at lower levels. Hopefully this helps. I have dedicated videos on many of these.
0:00 Intro
0:58 Moving with W too much
2:05 Being too Aggressive/Passive
3:26 Being too Predictable
6:01 Bad Crosshair Placement
7:51 Giving Away too Much Information
10:09 Not Using Your Advantages
12:35 Aiming too High
14:41 Not Buying on Pistol Round
16:18 Playing CT Side Like a T
18:11 Trying to Play too Perfect
#csgo #commonmistakes
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tags: csgo, cs go, cs:go, counter-strike: global offensive, csgo tips, csgo common mistakes, csgo tutorial