http://csgofast.me/TeamGetfight Use Code: 1TAP
http://csgofast.me/TeamGetfight Use Code: 1TAP
http://csgofast.me/TeamGetfight Use Code: 1TAP
When ScreaM plays for FNATIC (CS:GO)
ScreaM’s Pro Career – https://youtu.be/INzTZ7Zyi4U
Compilation of highlights made by Adil “ScreaM” Benrlitom during his matches in fnatic from ESL One New York 2018 and ESL Pro League Season 8. #scream #teamgetfight #onetaps #fnatic
What you will see here:
– ScreaM 1v3 clutch vs Heroic
– ScreaM 4k vs mousesports
– ScreaM insane 3k vs Na`Vi
– some triplekills from NY and EPL
❤ Best vk group about ScreaM: http://vk.com/screamfans
❤ ScreaM twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/scream
✔ Resolution: 1280*960 stretched
✔ New ScreaM’s crosshair: cl_crosshairalpha 255; cl_crosshaircolor 2; cl_crosshairdot 0; cl_crosshairgap -2; cl_crosshairsize 3; cl_crosshairstyle 4; cl_crosshairusealpha 1; cl_crosshairthickness 1; cl_crosshair_sniper_width 1; cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0;
✔ ScreaM’s viewmodel: viewmodel_fov 68; viewmodel_offset_x 2.5; viewmodel_offset_y 0; viewmodel_offset_z -1.5; viewmodel_presetpos 3; cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt 0.5; cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt 0.25; viewmodel_recoil 0; cl_righthand 1;
✔ Who is ScreaM? Adil “ScreaM” Benrlitom (born July 2, 1994) is a very successful Belgian Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player and former Counter-Strike: Source player of Moroccan descent. He began to play Counter-Strike just for fun and never thought he would reach such a high level. After paying attention to some tournaments going on at the time, he began to strive to play in big teams. With a couple of lucky invites, and after being accused of hacking several times, he found his way onto several teams like VeryGames, Titan and Epsilon eSports. He recently played for Team EnVyUs. #teamgetfight #scream #csgo #ak47 #twitch
Monitor: BENQ 2411Z 144hz 24″
Mouse: FinalMouse CLASSIC ERGO 2
Mousepad: SteelSeries QcK Heavy
Keyboard: SteelSeries 6Gv2
Headset: HyperX Cloud II
Chair: GT Omega MASTER XL
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